It's almost audition season for performing arts programs on various educational levels. The competition is fierce, so let's talk about how to make the most of your auditions and increase the chances of getting into the school of your choice! With students who have passed auditions for Mark Twain Junior High School, LaGuardia High School, Murrow High School, Repertory Company High School, Talent Unlimited High School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of New Haven, I've got several tips that will help you do your best:
Get help from a qualified music teacher. There are a LOT of kids who enjoy singing and are very talented. Hundreds of students, if not thousands, will be auditioning for these arts schools. LaGuardia, for examples, estimates that they accept less than 20% of their applicants. The best way to give yourself an edge is to study with a great teacher. Students with a background of focused music study will automatically stand out to audition judges. These students make informed song choices. They tend to have better posture and their performances tend to be more poised. There's an obvious attention to detail with diction, breathing, and phrasing in their auditions.
Start taking lessons EARLY. Don't wait until a month before the audition to start preparing! There's a lot of muscle memory involved in creating music, whether it's singing or playing the piano. The body needs time to break bad habits and reestablish helpful habits. I would recommend an absolute minimum of 3 months of preparation, and that's cutting it close.
Do your due diligence. Research the program you're applying for. Is this school a good fit for you and your goals? Is this a classically based program? Is there an emphasis on musical theater? Be sure to read all audition directions, guidelines, and repertoire lists that are posted on the school's website. Attend an open house at the school. Ask questions about what will be covered in the audition. This will allow you teacher to make sure you're adequately prepared.
Choose an audition song that fits with the program and the suggested repertoire list. If the program is based in classical music and their song list consists of classical art songs, classical arrangements of folk songs, and legit (more head voice dominant) musical theater selections, this might not be the time to show off your best Beyonce or Demi Lovato rendition. Is it possibleto pass the audition with a creative song choice? Probably, especially if you're undeniably freakishly talented. But if the odds aren't in your favor, you want to make it easy for the judges to choose you. Allowing them to hear you sing in the style that you'll be singing at the school removes their need to wonder if you can handle it.
Plan to audition for multiple schools. The audition process can be scary. Knowing that you're being judged and knowing that the audition will affect the next few years of your life can invite pressure and anxiety to creep in. Experiencing the audition process multiples times, will allow you to practice working through your nerves. Each time it becomes easier and easier. So set up a few extra auditions, perhaps some you might not even care about, just for the experience.
Practice singing your audition piece in front of small groups of people. For many performers, it feels different to perform in front of a large crowd and a small, intimate group. Your audition will likely be in front of a small committee. You'll probably be able to see faces and facial expressions. Practice this in advance so the feeling isn't completely foreign to you. The more experience you have with this, the calmer you'll feel during your audition.
To delve deeper into audition technique, choose the perfect song for your voice and polish your performance, set up a consultation here.